Volunteer Opportunities

Want to go to Ad-Libs performances for free while helping out a great organization of incredible established and emerging artists?

We invite you to become a part of the Ad-Libs volunteer community! We are looking for people committed to supporting the Ad-Libs staff in furthering the Ad-Libs mission, and provides participants with the opportunity to make new friends while celebrating a Dallas performing arts institution. You can do this by helping out when the need arises or on a regular basis.

Year-round we find ourselves with many tasks to accomplish, most of them involving a commitment of your afternoon or evening once a month. Our needs fall into three categories:

• Performances

Our volunteer staff serves a vital part of the experience that patrons have when they first enter Ad-Libs. Volunteers serve functions such as greeting and directing patrons, directing patrons to their seats, assisting guests with special needs, answering questions, monitoring the audience during performances, videographer/photographer and security/outside front of building attendant.

• Administrative Help

Assisting with office tasks: Marketing and PR, graphic design, assisting with computer / technology issues, organizing, assembling press kits, and assisting with email newsletters. Hours are flexible.

• Facilities

Physical labor: Such as painting, unloading materials, cleaning. Dates to be determined as projects arise.

Your generosity will not go unnoticed. You will be compensated with complimentary tickets to our shows and other benefits, and will be joining a wonderful community.

How to Participate

Ad-Libs is always looking for new volunteers who are interested in assisting us in any of these activities. You must be at least 18 years of age to volunteer and also be available to assist at an event one hour before and after and at least once a month. If you have any questions and/or are interested in assisting, please contact our General Manager at 214-754-7050, or sign up for more info online.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

Ad-Libs Street Team


As an independent improv comedy troupe, word of mouth is one of our best friends. If you’re willing to help spread the word about our upcoming shows to your friends and beyond.

The Ad-Libs Street Team is a group of people who love Ad-Libs and want to share it with others..

Street Team Volunteer opportunities include:

• Distributing information calendars

• Flyering handbills at other shows and festivals in the Dallas area

• Driving billboard trike

• Spreading news through word-of-mouth and through group e-mails

Ideal Street Team members have a strong interest in performing ar
ts community, and are, or want to be, involved in the Dallas area performing arts scene.